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How do I view the videos?

Additionally, faculty members will have the ability to view the content of the videos through the shared access “Member Interface”.  To access the Member Interface, a faculty member will again hover over the gear symbol in the top right corner of their home screen and select “Member Interface”.

The Member Interface allows faculty members a view into what the students see on their end.  To see the COMLEX PE videos, a faculty member will select “COMLEX Level 2 PE” from the Exams drop down menu in the top left corner of this interface:

Tracking usage

Faculty can view student usage of the PE Videos. Usage statistics include the student’s most recent login, how many videos they have completed, how many times they have watched the video, and the dates on which they were completed.

downloading soap notes

Students can “PRINT” and download their SOAP Notes which will allow students to track their notes and to share them with faculty for review. A view of the learner interface:

Example of student SOAP note: