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Administrator dashboard overview

Please Note: Dashboard views may vary depending on administrator permissions.
Some categories may not be available. Unless filtered by a specific time range, all information displayed is in real time.
Getting Started: Select Group

Prior to looking at the charts/graphs, administrators can click on the grey box beside “Manage Groups” to select SmartBank subscriptions (Ex. “Graduation Year: 2019 (4 Students)”). When a roster is uploaded, the “All” Group is automatically created in addition to the “Graduation Year” group. The corresponding dashboard displaying all performance tracking data will appear based on the group that has been selected.

Manage Groups

By clicking on “Manage Groups”, the administrator has the ability to create specific sub groups to provide more focused performance tracking as needed.

How to Create a Group:

  1. Click “Create Group”
  2. Name the group and give it a description
  3. Select the SmartBank subscription from the exam dropdown menu
  4. Select “Add Members” to choose students to add to the group (Please note, adding students to a sub group does not remove them from any other group)
  5. Set the faculty permissions (“View”, “Edit”, or “None”  access)in the “Permissions” box located at the bottom of the page
  6. Click the “Create Group” button at the bottom of the page to finalize

Performance Trend Graph

The different colored lines on the performance trend graph represent the  “National Average”, “National 20th Percentile”, “National 80th Percentile”,  “Moving Average”, and “Daily Average”. To view a specific date range within the graph, administrators can adjust the blue slide bar at the bottom.

Administrators can hover over the black dots within the graph to view,

    • Date Range

    • Total number of questions taken by students  within the date range

    • Students’ overall percentile within the date range

    • The National Percentage of all students utilizing the same questions within the date range

Administrators can click on the black dots within the graph to view the same information broken down by day within the selected date range. Directly above the graph, administrators can select the “Compare To” dropdown to compare group data to “All Peers” or specific graduation years.

Scores & Percentiles

The “Scores and Percentiles” chart shows the distribution of students categorized by overall score and percentile.

Category Performance Graph

The “Category Performance” graph shows the overall performance of students compared to the National Average by category. This information includes, subjects that students are strong in, as well as subjects in which they are falling behind. The graph shows the total number of questions taken by subject, how many were correct, and how many were incorrect. Directly above the graph, administrators can select the  “Compare To” dropdown to choose whether they are comparing their students’ data to “All Peers” or to a graduation year.


By clicking on the Axis dropdown menu below the “Compare To” section, administrators can choose to display information based on various tagged categories (ex. “Exam Blueprint” or “Body System”).

Question Performance Graph

The “Question Performance” graph allows administrators to view specific questions from the bank. There is a “Category” dropdown at the top of the graph that will allow administrators to select either specific question categories, or choose to view all questions, which is the default.  

Administrators can select a category Axis by clicking on the dropdown menu to display corresponding data (Ex. “Body System”). Next, administrators can  select the Axis from the “Category” Dropdown (Ex. Nervous System). Lastly, administrators can select a time from the “Minimum Times Taken” dropdown. This will allow administrators to view how the students within the group they selected are performing on individual test items.

Each circle (data point) within this graph represents a question.

  • The blue line represents no difference between the national average and your institution’s score.
  • Blue circles are indicative of any questions the administrator’s group has taken for which their scores are considered “normal” compared to the nation.

  • Green circles indicate questions on which the administrator’s group has outperformed compared to the nation.
  • Red circles indicate questions on which the administrator’s group has underperformed compared to the nation.

By hovering over any of these circles, administrators will be able to view,

  • The question topic
  • Question statistics
  • How the question is tagged in various Axes

Clicking on any of these circles will bring up the full question for administrators to review. The full question can also be viewed by clicking the “Click to view question” hyperlink.

Improvement Chart

The “Improvement” chart displays the students in the selected group’s moving average performance as a function of the number of unique questions taken. The students in the selected group’s  score will increase or decrease as more questions are taken, allowing the administrator to see the average rate of improvement and understand how it compares to the National Average performance and rate of improvement.

Usage Chart

The “Usage” chart shows the students in the selected groups’ count of questions taken at different times during the institution’s subscription. The bar graph below summarizes the “Exam Bank Completion” percentages and where the students in the selected groups fall based on their performance.

Student Scores

At the top of the “Student Scores” page, there are four symbols. They represent the following:

  • Globe – Statistics for All Tests
  • Hourglass – Statistics for Timed Tests
  • Hourglass with Red “X” through it – Statistics for Untimed Tests
  • Person Reading – Statistics for Tutor Mode Tests

By selecting any of these symbols, the “Student Scores” information will be updated accordingly.

Located under this tab is a graph titled, “Performance By Percent of Questions Used.” Administrators can hover over the dots on this graph to see how many of the students in the selected groups are taking questions. Clicking on these dots will break them down into smaller dots that represent each individual student within the selected group and their corresponding data. This also shows the percentage of questions taken. This data is also available below the chart under the “Students” section.

“Students” Section

Next to each student listed, is a summary of the total number of questions they have taken, the total number they have gotten correct, and the total number they have gotten incorrect. Their last login date will also be displayed, as well as an optional “Anticipated Exam Date” field, which can be set by the student. Administrators can export this data using the “Export to Excel” function located in the upper right corner of the “Students” section.

Analysis: The “Analysis” button in the “Students” section will pull data specific to the selected student’s performance. This information is broken down by tabs which are as follows,


  • Overall Performance

    • Hovering over the black dots in this chart, will display a date range where the student has taken questions. It will display their overall percent for the selected date range, total number of questions taken, total number of questions answered correctly, and total number of questions answered incorrectly.

    • Clicking the black dots will display information for all tests that were taken within the specified date range.

  • Percentile

    • Administrators can click to view either the student’s “Overall Percentile” or their percentile for the “Last 100 questions.”

  • Category Performance

    • Administrators can select a category Axis by clicking on the dropdown menu to display corresponding data (Ex. “Body System”).  Within each Axis there is a list of categories with a corresponding pie chart located under the “Used” column. Hovering over this pie chart will display the number of unique questions that were taken and the total number of questions available in the specified category

    • For each category, administrators can view the total number of questions taken, total number of questions answered correctly, and total number of questions answered incorrectly. The student’s difference in comparison to the National Average will also be displayed.

  • Improvement

  • Usage


Contact: Clicking this button will open up a window where the administrator can send a direct email to the student. 

Program Performance

At the top of the Program Performance page, there are four symbols. They represent the following:

  • Globe – Statistics for All Tests
  • Hourglass – Statistics for Timed Tests
  • Hourglass with Red “X” through it – Statistics for Untimed Tests
  • Person Reading – Statistics for Tutor Mode Tests

By selecting any of these symbols, the specified information will be updated accordingly.

Under “Performance By Category” is the corresponding bar graph.

The blue bars represent the institution’s students, and the grey bars represent the National Average. Administrators can hover over any of the categories to view the exact percentage of the students in the selected group in comparison to the national average. Administrators will have the option of deselecting the national average comparison below the graph by unchecking the box.

Administrators can select a category Axis by clicking on the dropdown menu to display corresponding data (Ex. “Body System”).

An alphabetic list of all categories is located below the graph. By clicking on “Category” at the top of the column, administrators can switch to reverse alphabetical order. The institution’s top student will be displayed, as well as their average, the specified group’s average, and the national average.