2 Quick Tips to Help You Prepare for COMLEX Level 2 CE
Congratulations! You’ve passed COMLEX Level 1! Now, it’ on to the next one – COMLEX Level 2 CE. Fortunately, COMLEX Level 2 CE is in the realm of what you’re already familiar with.
In fact, the NBOME uses the same definition to describe both exams: “Computer based, application of osteopathic medical knowledge concepts related to clinical sciences, patient presentations and physician tasks.” However, while the exams cover related material, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest just as much time and energy into preparing for Level 2 as you did for Level 1.
That said, here are two quick tips to help you prepare for COMLEX Level 2 CE.
After all effort you put into preparing for COMLEX-USA Level 1, it’s understandable that you might want to give yourself some time to breathe. However, now is not the time to lose momentum.
Just because you recently took and passed a similar exam doesn’t mean you aren’t going to have to work just as hard, if not harder, to pass COMLEX-USA Level 2 CE.
Keep up the great study habits you’ve created when preparing for Level 1 and keep charging forward. COMLEX Level 2 CE is not even the halfway point in your journey of taking high stakes medical licensure exams so while it’s great you passed Level 1, keep your eye on the prize and don’t let off the gas.
It’s time to start testing yourself on COMLEX Level 2 CE content to prepare for the exam.

It’s been proven that the more questions taken by students prior to the exam is directly correlated with exam scores. You can read more about this research in this Data Lab. Not to mention, the more you retake questions, the more you will retain information.
That’s why it’s so important you begin testing yourself on COMLEX Level 2 CE content as early as possible to begin preparing for the exam.
COMBANK’s COMLEX Level 2 CE SmartBank is comprised of over 2,000 practice questions written by experts in their field. Each item follows the NBOME Blueprint, and the platform simulates the experience you will have answering questions on test day. COMBANK’s SmartBank also features tools such as predictive scoring and advanced analytics to help you improve your practice scores over time.
By using timed test modes and taking questions in COMBANK, you will become as familiar as you can with the testing experience so when you go to take COMLEX Level 2 CE, it’ll be second nature.
Interested in learning more about COMBANK’s COMLEX Level 2 CE SmartBank? Learn more about the 2018 SmartBank edition and subscribe online today to get started.