Free Occupational Therapy Exam Practice Questions
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Your Free Occupational Therapy Exam Practice Question
A client with age-related macular degeneration is participating in outpatient rehabilitation. The OTR provides a task in which the patient is required to read instructions and complete the task. The client is observed to hold the instructions very close and is frustrated by the task. How should the OTR adapt this task in order to promote successful engagement for the client?
- Reduce overhead lighting in the room
- Utilize relative-size magnification
- Reduce contrast with the text provided
- Utilize relative-distance magnification
The Answer and Explanation
Did you get it right? The correct answer is ‘B’.
Age-related macular degeneration results in a loss of central vision causing decreased visual acuity.

Illustration © TrueLearn, LLC
Use of relative-size magnification would allow for the client to read/access instructions. Relative-size magnification increases the size of the object or the print in order to make the information accessible to the client. Printing out instructions with larger font size, creates relative-size magnification, allowing the client to read the information provided. Relative-size magnification does not utilize a magnifier, but instead modifies the task to increase the size of the print.
Wrong Answer Explanations
Answer A: Reducing overhead lighting in the room is not recommended. Lighting is essential in promoting the client’s vision. Reducing lighting would reduce the client’s ability to see the information provided.
Answer C: Reducing contrast with the text provided would reduce the client’s ability to see the print. Contrast should be enhanced, allowing the print to stand out from the background.
Answer D: Relative-distance magnification occurs when the client moves closer to an object or moves the object closer to them in order to see it better. The client is currently using this strategy by bringing the instructions close to the face in order to see. This strategy is helpful; however, the client appears to require additional magnification; therefore, the use of relative-size magnification would allow the client to better see the information.
Bottom Line
For clients with age-related macular degeneration, the OTR can provide relative-size magnification, where the print size is increased in order to allow the client to read the information.
For more information, see Optimizing vision and visual processing. Radomski MV, Trombly Latham CA, eds. Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014: Chapter 23.
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