TrueLearn Stands With Black Lives Matter
Our Commitment to Inclusivity and Support Against Racial Injustice
The global organization, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, was founded to be the relentless force and voice for combating racial injustice. Since 2013, they have put their mission into action and now they need the nation’s support more than ever to stand together and take steps toward being part of the solution.
We recognize that if we do not do our part to express our support for change in more than just words, more names may be added to the countless Americans who have and continue to suffer from racial bias.
TrueLearn’s Committment
To begin putting our stance and support for racial justice into action, TrueLearn started by donating a portion of every retail subscription for the entire month of June to the Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED). CREED is a Charlotte-based organization that works to close opportunity gaps for all children in education, especially children of color, with the vision that one day race will no longer be the primary predictor of educational outcomes. To advance this mission, CREED conducts evidence-based research; builds coalitions of school leaders, educators, parents, policymakers, and community members who have a shared agenda of creating equitable school systems; and supports schools and educators with technical assistance and training designed to improve educational outcomes for students of color.
As another step in joining in the collective action against racial injustice and police brutality, TrueLearn blackened its logo across its website and online channels for the month of June and participated in the Blackout Tuesday social media movement that took place on June 2, 2020.
We will continue to do our part for the communities we serve and within our organization to foster an inclusive and diverse workplace. It is our mission to advocate for our customers and employees and we will continue to hold that commitment to the highest standards. We know that there is more that can be done to play our part in the movement and we will continue to put words into action to advocate for equality.
Note From Our CEO
Right now we are amidst a critical juncture in our nation’s history. While sitting back and taking a silent stance on the matters at hand is the seemingly “safe” approach, it represents the same type of complacency and passive permissiveness that has led our society here in the first place. In my eyes, taking a position of silence at this important time in and of itself is part of the problem. So, I have decided to speak out on this matter, on behalf of our leadership team, and on behalf of the company.
In my opinion, the only way to responsively have a conversation about this matter is to first acknowledge that racial inequality is a real phenomenon that exists in deeply systemic ways in our society – a society touting a slogan of one nation, “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” While there is no easy “fix” to this matter, collectively we can stand together and take steps toward being part of the solution. And to do this, it starts by openly and collectively acknowledging that systems of oppression, deeply rooted in our society, are woven into the very fabric of American culture, society, and the laws that govern us as a people. It is up to us as individuals, and collectively as an organization, to better understand the roots of systemic racism and make the continuous effort to avoid being an unconscious promoter of discrimination and divisibility.
While our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, along with the countless Americans who have, and continue to suffer from racial bias and injustice, we collectively realize that words simply are not enough. Therefore, we must put our words into action. For starters, TrueLearn will be donating a portion of every retail subscription for the entire month of June to the Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED).
Additionally, the color of the TrueLearn logo on our website will be darkened to declare where we stand on this matter and to declare our support of peaceful protesting. Lastly, we will be posting messages across various social media platforms declaring our position to the public.
As a leadership team, we believe it is our job to continue to foster a working environment here at TrueLearn that not only supports, but celebrates diversity in color, religious belief, gender, age, political views, and sexual orientation. Furthermore, we are committed to continuing an open dialogue regarding systemized oppression so that we can collectively work toward impacting change together, alongside our local community groups and agencies. Although we may be a long way from ‘liberty and justice for all,’ we have to start somewhere, and TrueLearn is committed to the advocacy for equality.
Warm Regards,
Josh Courtney
Founder and CEO
TrueLearn, LLC
Join the Movement: Helpful Resources to Get Started
A Guide to Allyship
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation
Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED)
Initiative of Change
National Cares Mentoring Movement
Tips for Collaborating With Other Families for Educational Justice
Race, Policy and Power: Dismantling Structural Racism
Speak Up for Racial Justice: Contact Your Legislators
31 Children’s Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism and Resistance